FirstAloha Natural HealthGroup, LLC.
4/11/2012 2:48 AM
I am a healthcare provider giving direct service to patients. |
what is the benefit of LLC versus DBA
I am a healthcare provider giving direct service to patients. |
Hawaii County
I will not hire any contractors or employees.
I am a healthcare provider giving direct service to patients. |
Q:Is "piercing the corporate LLC veil same as in corporations case?
A:Piercing the corporate veil refers to the corporate protection that an LLC affords so long as you treat it as a separate legal entity. If you don't, you pierce the veil and you lose the protection so you become liable as if you were a sole proprietor. LLC
Q:Are there compliance obligations for LLCs?.
A:You may have to file a statement of officers each year for an LLC?.
Q:How do I attract and sign up more LLC member investors?
A:This has to do more with the type of business and its prospects. If it looks good, investors may decide to buy interest in your LLC in exchange of membership interests in the form of certificates of ownership?
| Q:How can I find out what licensing is required for my LLC?
A:Got to for business licensing information.
Q:What is a C corporation?
A:All corporation at formation are C corporations unless they elect to be S corporations. An LLC can be a C corporation and taxed as one if it decides so. LLC
Q:Are there any tax savings in forming an LLC in Delaware?
A:Delaware saves you taxes because there is no sales tax and you don't have to get a business license if your business is located in another state. Nor is there any LLC income tax as in Nevada.
| Q:Becoming an llc or a corporation is probably the cheapest insurance and a good way to save on taxes using several available strategies to reduce your tax liabiltiy but can one person be an LLC?.
A:Yes you can form an LLC even if you are one person with little or no capital reserves..
| Q:How do I provide proof that I own an LLC?
A:The evidence that you own the LLC are the LLC certificates you will issue and the LLC operating agreement that will also state your percentage of ownership? LLC | Q:Do I have to have a registered agent?
A:Do I have to have a registered agent?
Q:I am a one member LLC do I need to pay self employement tax? LLC
A:Yes one member LLC do need to pay self employement tax.
Q:How many people do I need to form an LLC?
A: Even just one person can form an LLC.
Q:Do I need to hire an attorney to help me file an LLC? LLC
A: All states let you file an LLC without the help of a lawyer. You may want to consult with one on the other hand that may help you draft the llc agreement and advise you in your particular tax situation..
Q:How will I have to pay for taxes for my LLC?
A: With an LLC, you can elect to be taxes as a sole owner or be taxed as a corporation.
What are the differences between a limited liability company and a partnership?
A:The important difference between an LLC and a general partnership is that the LLC affords protection as a corporation does so you are not personally liable for business debts as is the case with a partnership.
Q:What exactly is an LLC agreement?
A:An LLC agreement is just a document that specifies the rights and duties of the owner or owners and the stake they hold in the LLC..
Q:Do I need to sign the LLC certificate of the articles of organization before you submit it to the secretary of state?Seller's Permit
A:No, you don't need to sign the articles before we submit it for filing.
Q:What state is the best state to set up an LLC?
A:Unless you make more than 100
Q:Why do they call it pass-through taxation?Business License
A:Pass-through taxation means that you can report the llc income through your individual tax return. This allows you both to offset personal losses against llc profits as well as avoid double taxation.
Q:What if I want my LLC to be taxed as a C corporation?
A:In some cases you may want to be taxed as a corporation and it may result in savings because corporate taxation is lower than individual taxation.
Q:In what states may I set up a series LLC?.
A:Delaware, Illinois, Iowa, Nevada, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Utah allow for series LLCs.
HI set up a free llc.
HI form free llc